5 Ways You Can Consistently Grow Your Personal Style

By: Key Michel Personal style is a powerful way to communicate to the world your story without ever uttering a single word. It is the outward display of your inner expression; and the art form of fashion. It’s common to hear people preach about the mere differences between style and fashion; with fashion being a … Continue Reading

Why Is It Easier For Some People To Find Their Personal Style; & Harder For Others?

By: Key Michel For some people, it comes natural to be confident with style decisions; and developing an authentic personal style. A style of one’s dreams; is a desire that anyone into fashion aspires to have; but why is it easier for some; but harder for others? What makes the ability to develop a personal … Continue Reading

Beware! Things To Avoid On Your Personal Style Journey

By: Key Michel Personal style is the language you speak with the clothes that you wear; and the stories that you convey about who you are. It is the very essence that makes fashion a form of individual freedom; and creative self-expression. Personal style grants you the ability to mark to the beat of your … Continue Reading

How To Create Personalized Outfits

By: Key Michel There is one thing to have great outfits; but there is another thing to have personalized signature outfits. Personalized styles create a sense of comfort when expressing your layered identity because they are deeply tailored to who you are. It can be as simple as adding your grandmother’s vintage brooche to one … Continue Reading

Do This Before You Find Your Personal Style

By: Key Michel Achieving your own personal style is an experience that everyone should encounter in their lives. The thing is, when most people think about finding their own personal style, the intiatial thoughts that flutter their minds are about the clothes they should or shouldn’t wear; or the best places to get style inspiration. … Continue Reading

Deep Dive: Personal Style Is A Reflection Of The Inner You

By: Key Michel After all of the fashion videos, the endless fashion articles, the creative Pinterest inspo; and the engaging fashion insight you still find yourself in a state of self-consciousness anytime you get dressed. You would think after putting your awareness on finding the best knowledge; that you would be confident in putting a … Continue Reading

It’s Time To Create Your Winter Fashion Wishlist

By: Key Michel Tis’ the season to create your winter fashion wishlist; filled with all of the items that your personal style desires. If you started creating wishlist with me this year; than you have created one’s for the spring, summer, fall and now the winter. You are most likely a pro at creating these … Continue Reading

Here Is How Often You Should Be Elevating Your Style

By : Key Michel In life, things grow, seasons change; and the same concepts apply to your personal style. A dull and redundant style, is one that doesn’t evolve. One that stays the same year after year; without reflecting the inner changes that you’ve experienced within. If you suddenly find yourself feeling emotions of boredom … Continue Reading

Your Limiting Beliefs Destroy Your Style Dreams

By: Key Michel In my experience I have realized that personal style is something that many people desire to obtain; but only some people think that it’s really possible for them. There are a lot of people who have shared with me that although they want to have their own personal style, they don’t think … Continue Reading

Is It Okay To Have More Than One Style Aesthetic?- Yes It Is!

By: Key Michel The best way to create a style that deeply resonates with you; is to create a style that exemplifies the different sides to who you are. All human beings are complex; and filled with different personality traits, interests, moods, feelings, and vibes. Having only one style aesthetic, and sticking with only one … Continue Reading