Things That Make You Instantly Stylish

By: Key Michel What makes somebody instantly stylish? When you see somebody walking down the street, what makes that person catch your eye; and state to yourself, “oh yeah, that person is super stylish? And they know it!” Here we will discuss 9 things that make someone instantly stylish. This isn’t a limited number, of … Continue Reading

Best Vintage Handbag To Wear This Fall & Winter Season

By: Key Michel The perfect handbag is an outfit maker, the icing on the cake; and the statement to all your stylish pieces. Vintage handbags tell a story of their own by propelling your style choices forward; and drawing all of the attention due to their standout nature. Making a fashion statement everywhere you go … Continue Reading

7 Quick & Easy Outfits To Style This Fall

By: Key Michel Picking out an outfit can be exciting and fun; but everyone experiences those moments when you want the process to be quick and easy. During instances when you are pressed for time; and you don’t have the leisure of taking your time to get ready, it’s essential to make sure that you’re … Continue Reading

Here Is How Often You Should Be Elevating Your Style

By : Key Michel In life, things grow, seasons change; and the same concepts apply to your personal style. A dull and redundant style, is one that doesn’t evolve. One that stays the same year after year; without reflecting the inner changes that you’ve experienced within. If you suddenly find yourself feeling emotions of boredom … Continue Reading

Your Limiting Beliefs Destroy Your Style Dreams

By: Key Michel In my experience I have realized that personal style is something that many people desire to obtain; but only some people think that it’s really possible for them. There are a lot of people who have shared with me that although they want to have their own personal style, they don’t think … Continue Reading

Is It Okay To Have More Than One Style Aesthetic?- Yes It Is!

By: Key Michel The best way to create a style that deeply resonates with you; is to create a style that exemplifies the different sides to who you are. All human beings are complex; and filled with different personality traits, interests, moods, feelings, and vibes. Having only one style aesthetic, and sticking with only one … Continue Reading

Why You Should Always Lean Towards Overdressing

By: Key Michel Overdressing is a concept that is either praised, or questioned with bewilderment. You are either celebrated for being the overdressed baddie in a room; or questioned for your over the top outfit choice. Why are you so dressed up? Where do you think you’re going? You are going to slay town; that … Continue Reading