Excited, Thrilled, Elated are simply a few adjectives to describe the energy surrounding summer 2022. There are so many people on a mission to make this summer the best one yet; and planning all the festivities and activities that they are destined to be apart of. Perhaps you don’t have plans yet, or your past summers weren’t the best; well you’ve come to the right place. After reading this article, you will be eager and excited to have the summer of your dreams.

Write your summer style wishlist
Your summer style wishlist will support you in three essential ways:
1) It will get you mentally excited and prepared for the summer
2) It will give you inspiration for what you want to do for the summer
3) It will give you an opportunity to upgrade your summer style
Spring is still here, so you have time to create your wishlist; but even if you read this article during the summer; you can still focus on finding ways to enhance and experiment with your summer style.
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Write an experiences wishlist
What do you want to do this summer?
Where do you want to go?
Who do you want to spend time with?
What do you want to accomplish?
Ask yourself these questions; and write down a list of all the fulfilling experiences that you intend to gain this summer. Try your best not to look back on what didn’t work, or what did work last summer; and think about the now. Think about how you want your summer 2022 to be.

Think about the now
Often times when people think about the summer; they tend to compare it to the summers of their past. What didn’t work last summer; or what did work? What didn’t happened last summer; or what did happen? This is quite natural, we have all done this before; but the best way to enjoy your current summer is to think about the now.
For example, if you didn’t enjoy your summer last year; walking into this summer stating how you didn’t enjoy the summer last year; so you have to enjoy it this year; is recreating old experiences and energies. Even if you enjoyed your summer last year; think about how you intend to enjoy this current summer.
The past is in the past; and the present is here and now. Strive to think about the here and now in a positive and exciting manner.

Balance out your life
It’s best to water all the seeds or plants in your life with equal love and attention; so that they can all harvest in beautiful ways.
Whatever seeds or plants you intend to water this summer; make sure you balance out the attention that you give them.
For example, let’s say this summer you really want to focus on your career, having fun, spending time with family; and learning new skills; balance all of them out. You wouldn’t want to focus only on having fun; but you are neglecting your career, your family, or the new skills you want to learn. You also wouldn’t want to focus only on working hard on your career; but you are neglecting your family, friends, or having fun.
Having a balance life this summer; will surely bring you a lot of peace, happiness and joy.

Practice more Gratitude
Be grateful that you are alive to experience another summer. Be grateful for the small and big things that you currently have. Be grateful for the great weather. Be grateful for the delicious food that you are able to eat. Be grateful for who you are, and who you are becoming.
Be grateful, smile more, laugh more; and live your life because you only have one.