Things That Make You Instantly Stylish

By: Key Michel What makes somebody instantly stylish? When you see somebody walking down the street, what makes that person catch your eye; and state to yourself, “oh yeah, that person is super stylish? And they know it!” Here we will discuss 9 things that make someone instantly stylish. This isn’t a limited number, of … Continue Reading

How To Style Vintage Handbags

By: Key Michel Vintage handbags are constantly making a comeback; but the difference is they are here to stay. Whether it’s the 70s, 90s or early 2000s; everyone has their favorite style eras that speak to their style. The beauty of vintage handbags are their ability to be the icing to your outfits story. The … Continue Reading

How The 80/20 Rule Can Help You Build A Wardrobe That You Love

By: Key Michel The 80/20 rule is used for business advaa cement, changing one’s lifestyle, building new habits; but you rarely hear about this principle being applied to one’s personal style. The rule discusses the imbalance between outputs and inputs; and how 20% of inputs or outputs results in 80% of inputs or outputs. For … Continue Reading

Here Is How Often You Should Be Elevating Your Style

By : Key Michel In life, things grow, seasons change; and the same concepts apply to your personal style. A dull and redundant style, is one that doesn’t evolve. One that stays the same year after year; without reflecting the inner changes that you’ve experienced within. If you suddenly find yourself feeling emotions of boredom … Continue Reading

Your Limiting Beliefs Destroy Your Style Dreams

By: Key Michel In my experience I have realized that personal style is something that many people desire to obtain; but only some people think that it’s really possible for them. There are a lot of people who have shared with me that although they want to have their own personal style, they don’t think … Continue Reading