I work at a luxury retail store part time; and luckily for me I come across some amazing customers; who are always excited and eager for my fashion styling. In the midst of these styling sessions; I find myself engaging in enriching conversations surrounding style and fashion insight. Upon one of these discussions; a customer was sharing how she often shops at the store; and how she always finds the best pieces. She mentioned how the coat that was being styled on her; was exactly similar to one that she had ordered from another store just a day prior; except this coat was better. I enjoyed hearing her excitement about her newfound coat; as she twirled and walked back and forth in front of the mirror. I turned to the customer; and asked her, “Have you always been into fashion?”
Instantly the customer states,
“Oh I’m not into fashion. I’m not into fashion at all actually”
I was intrigued by this answer, and stated, ”I asked because you shared how you love to go shopping; and you seem to have your own personal style”.
She digested my question; and then further states, “Oh yeah, but I don’t know what’s going on in fashion. I don’t keep up with trends; I just wear what I like, or what looks good on me. Especially since I have a different body type than everyone else; so I just wear what I like.
I replied, “So you are into style then?
And in a blissful voice she states, “Yeah, I’m into style!”
I then smiled; and told her how I completely understand; and I feel the same way. We continued on with this discussion; and I was so inspired that I said to her, “You know what, I’m going to write an article about this”

Style resonates with people in a way that fashion alone simply doesn’t. It’s a language of bold self-expression through clothing; an authentic art form that makes your individuality be creatively seen. Style makes the experience of shopping feel fun and intentional; without feeling the need to keep up with the fashion industry’s mainstream trends.

Style is a way of being; it’s a lifestyle; it’s a reflection of who you are; and what you decide to share with the world on any given day. This is what the customers was striving to fulfill when she came into the store that day; the expression of her own personal style. She was honest about her lack of fashion knowledge; and frank about not knowing any of the current trends, the whose whose; or the what’s in, in fashion. She was clueless; but her desire for developing her own personal wardrobe; and her confidence in maintaining her stance; was enough proof to show the power of personal style.
It’s more than okay to follow fashion trends, and to be in love with fashion especially if you are deeply passionate. I too love fashion; and it’s ever-evolving self; but I’m in love with style; especially mines.