Thrift Stores Thrive During A Recession; But Where Are The Donations?

By: Key Michel Thrift stores have always had a reputation of thriving during the recession. If there was any industry that was recession proof; it was the resale fashion industry. People are already discussing the influx of newbie and seasoned thrifters; that have been shopping during this economic transit. As shoppers have increased; the donation … Continue Reading

Thrift Tips We Don’t Talk About Enough

By: Key Michel As the thrift community continues to grow in popularity and size; new thrifters are actively seeking knowledge to cultivate better thrift skills. There is a common thread of thrift tips that we hear many seasoned thrifters state; such as be patient, have great observational skills; and thrift frequently; and don’t get me … Continue Reading

The Unpopular Thrift Tips You Must Know

By: Key Michel You can never have enough thrift tips to amplify your knowledge and skillset. Whether you are an active thrifter, or completely new to the game, acquiring more knowledge upon thrifting can only do you more justice. The next time you go thrifting you will have extensive insight, to use to achieve more … Continue Reading