Fashion rules have a powerful influence on consumers shopping decisions and styling habits. Here at Key To Fashion, we don’t believe in hardcore fashion rules; but I have constructed a list of “rules” that if you ever choose to follow any; these should be the only rules you swear by.
Never leave the house without loving what you wear
Anytime you are about to leave the house; always make sure any outfit you decide to wear is an outfit that you love; and one that you feel immediately confident in. When you leave the house not loving what you wear; you will find yourself feeling less confident because you don’t feel entirely satisfied with your styling decision.

Take your time shifting through different outfit combinations until you find one that clicks with you. If you know you are someone that takes time to get dressed; try to give yourself an ample amount of time, so that you don’t feel rushed during the process because a rushed outfit will produce rushed results.
Keep in mind that it doesn’t matter where you are going, whether it’s the supermarket, or brunch with a close friend; never leave the house without loving what you wear.
Always Purchase Items That Fall Into Either 3 Categories: 1) You Love It 2) Your Wardrobe Needs It 3) It Will Push You Out Of Your Comfort Zone
It’s important to be an intentional shopper; and purchase items that you love, you need, or it will get you out of your comfort zone. Buying items because they are trending; or to keep up with the mainstream fashion trends; can create a style that looks too trendy, a wardrobe that you don’t love or feel connected to; and a wardrobe that makes you feel like you have nothing to wear. Be intentional about what you buy; so that you can create the style of your dreams.

Pay attention to how your clothing fits your body
The way our clothes fit our bodies is vital. You can own the most beautiful gown; but if it doesn’t fit your body properly; it won’t create a show-stopping look no matter how beautiful it is. Keep in mind, it’s not about being skinny or curvy; it’s not about being plus size or a skinner frame; it’s about purchasing clothes that fit your body. I recommend that if you like to shop in person; that you should always try your items on. You will be amazed at how you can see something on the rack; but it can look completely different on your body. Think about it, stores are making clothing items for several different body frames, shapes and sizes. This is one of the reasons why a lot of people are getting their clothing tailored nowadays.