Joan Rivers wasn’t the only one that enjoyed being a fashion police; people all over social media enjoy being one as well. You can often see this with, “who wore it best post” or the “tell me how you feel about this outfit post”. People get quite excited to police what people should or shouldn’t wear.

I mean Rihanna’s latest maternity aesthetic is a prime example of how a lot of the fashion police feel; a lot of them don’t seem to be too happy about her choices in fashion. (As if she cares).
Fashion police can even go as far as shaming people as to wear they should shop, or what they should buy.

As a lover of resale fashion, I would enjoy seeing more people in this industry; but I know that shaming people who mostly shop at fast fashion brands will never create the change I wish to see.
Now, there are a different type of police running through these realms of fashion; they are now the thrift police.
The thrift police don’t shame you necessarily for how you dress; but they do criticize people for what they shop for at the thrift stores. For example, if you are someone who likes to shop for gems at the thrift store; some people will criticize you for that. It’s gotten to the point that some people feel like they have to make a public announcement, that they don’t shop for gems at a thrift store; to appear as someone who doesn’t follow the crowd.

Gems: A unique, rare, daring or statement item. Gems are often times vintage apparel
The beauty of the thrift store experience, is that you can shop for whatever you want.
Everyone isn’t going to want to shop for gems, and that’s okay! It doesn’t make their style any less fly. Whatever you like to thrift for, is totally up to you.

Sometimes the thrift police also get upset, because thrifting has become vastly popular. The thrift police want to let everyone know that they have been thrifting for 75 years; or before this realm of fashion gained mainstream notoriety. They want to let everyone know that they aren’t hopping on any new trends here.
What’s perplexing is that, wouldn’t you want more people to thrift; and to shop secondhand?
Wouldn’t you want people to circulate clothing; so that there is less clothing in landfills?
Wouldn’t you want people who struggle with finding their own personal style, to find their personal style with thrifting?
It’s great to see more people thrifting; and learning more about this industry.
In reality, the fashion industry never needed fashion police; and we definitely don’t need thrift police either.