How To Use Pinterest For Style Inspo

By: Key Michel Pinterest is a platform known for being a safe haven for many; due to its minimal social interaction; and its windfall of inspiration. Fashion and enriching style inspo are popular on the platform; with many users turning to Pinterest for style hacks and outfit ideas. In this video, you will learn the … Continue Reading

New Year, More Style; Better Looks

By: Key Michel The new year brings a wave of new beginnings; and new energy into your life. This freshness can inspire people to want to make a change in areas of their life; one being their style. You may be on a quest to revamp your personal style in the new year; and this … Continue Reading

Do This Before You Find Your Personal Style

By: Key Michel Achieving your own personal style is an experience that everyone should encounter in their lives. The thing is, when most people think about finding their own personal style, the intiatial thoughts that flutter their minds are about the clothes they should or shouldn’t wear; or the best places to get style inspiration. … Continue Reading