Ahhhh Thrift Store. Home to rare treasures, vintage finds, and modern day styles. While it’s a known fact amongst thrifters how exciting the experience can be; what’s not always publicized are the moments when the thrift store should be your first stop. When it comes to different instances or occasions in your life; the thrift store shouldn’t be left as a last resort; but a priority. You’ll be amazed at how this one decision will make an impact on your shopping experience; and your style.
Here are the 8 times you should always check the thrift store first
Trying New Color Palettes
A lot of thrift stores have an array of colors to experiment with; and many of them even design their stores with color coordinated clothing racks. If you desire to play around with new colors; without spending full price for items upon your initial try; I recommend that you check the thrift store first.
Sequin Styles
The thrift store is one of the best place to find sequin styles; especially vintage sequin. You’ll have the pleasure of stumbling upon dynamic sequin styles from various fashion eras.

Fashion era exploration | experimenting with vintage from past eras; don’t want vintage inspired styles
Instead of shopping for vintage inspired styles; head to your local thrift store or vintage store and explore true and authentic vintage pieces. It’s at the thrift store where you’ll learn what vintage eras align with your personal style the best. It’s also a super cool feeling finding pieces from back in the day that are packed with nostalgia; and exemplify the fashion from that timeframe.
If you find that your local thrift store doesn’t have the best vintage pieces; check out vintage stores both offline and online; or reselling apps.

Your Pinterest finds/board, or Fashion finds saved to your phone
This is a huge trend on YouTube for people to thrift their Pinterest boards; and hunt for the styles of their dreams. You’ll be amazed at the gems you’ll find that are similar, exactly alike or even better than the fashion finds on your Pinterest board. Before you shop online, or head to any brick and mortar stores; always check the thrift store first!
Unique or Rare Handbags
Are you looking to step your handbag collection up? Are you tired of having the same bags as everyone else? Are you looking for bags that make your looks pop? The answer to these questions: always check the thrift store first; and the Key To Fashion website!
Check out the latest unique and daring vintage handbags up on the site!
Vintage Bags
Anything new you want to start experimenting with or incorporating into your style
Along your style journey it’s extremely common to find yourself wanting to expand your style. Whether you are clear about your style desires or not; always check the thrift store first. You will find yourself purchasing new styles; that uniquely showcase your individuality.

Style Faves
The thrift store is one of the best places to shop for your style faves because of the one of a kind pieces you have the potential of discovering. For example, if you love blazers; check out the thrift store; and I guarantee you will find one’s that are filled with pizazz originality

Do you have upcoming vacations for the year? Check out the thrift store first for your vacation needs; you will find items that fit the theme of your vacation; and showcase your individuality.